
In Arabic language, the way a person says: “our father”, changes depending on the sentence.

A man sought judgement from Imam al-Sha’bi – الشعبي – because he lost a part of his inheritance share in a dispute with his brothers…

He said: “Our father died … (Abaanaa)”
Sha’bi said: “Say: our father (Aboonaa)”

He said: “So we inherited from our father … (Aboonaa)”
Sha’bi said: “Say: our father (Abeenaa)”

He said: “Our father had written a will… (Abeenaa)”
Sha’bi said: “Say: our father (Aboonaa)”

He said: “We did not inherit our father … (Aboonaa)”
Sha’bi said: “Say: our father (Abaanaa)”

The man became angry and said: “I am trying to agree with you, but you keep opposing me!”

Sha’bi said: “I swear to God, you have lost a bigger portion of your language skills than you have lost of your inheritance share!”

دخل رجل يشكو إلى القاضي عامر الشعبي .
فقال: أيها القاضي إني أنازع إخوتي فقد توفي أبانا
فقال له الشعبي قل: أبونا
فقال: فورثنا من أبونا
فقال الشعبي: قل: أبينا
فقال: وقد وصى أبينا
قال الشعبي: قل: أبونا
قال: فما ورثنا أبونا
قال الشعبي: قل: أبانا
فغضب الرجل وقال
أرى أني أحاول موافقتك
ولكنك مولع بمخالفتي!!
فقال له الشعبي:
وأنا والله أرى أن ما ضاع من لسانك أعظم مما ضاع من ميراثك !!

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