Strange Dowry

Musaylamah [مسيلمة], was an infamous liar and a false Prophet, who appeared in Arabia towards the end of the Prophet Muhammad’s life.He copied Islam and changed whatever he didn’t like. He managed to gather some followers here and there. Then he wanted to marry a girl, and as her dowry, she demanded that he cancels two daily Islamic prayers on her tribe – and he did it!! lol

Imam Ibn Kathir said:

فقال: ناد في قومك إن مسيلمة بن حبيب رسول الله قد وضع عنكم صلاتين مما أتاكم به محمد – يعني: صلاة الفجر، وصلاة العشاء الآخرة – فكان هذا صداقها عليه

He said: ‘Announce to your people that Musaylamah, the Prophet of God, has cancelled the Isha [night] and Fajr [morning] prayers on you.’

This was a dowry she demanded from him.’

[‘Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah’, 9/460].

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