Shawkani On Music

Music – موسيقى

Al-Qaadhy Al-Shawkani (1250H) had some very harsh words for those who do not tolerate the difference of opinion on music:

السماع بآلة وبغيرها من مواطن الخلاف بين أئمة العلم، ومن المسائل التي لا ينبغي التشديد في النكير على فاعلها ، وهذا الغرض هو الذي حملنا على جمع هذه الرسالة ؛ لأن في الناس من يوهم لقلة عرفانه بعلوم الاستدلال ، وتعطل جراية عن الدراية بالأقوال أن تحريم الغناء بالآلة وغيرها من القطعيات المجمع على تحريمها
وقد علمت أن هذه فرية ما فيها مرية ، وجهالة بلا محالة
لما لا يخفى على عارف أن رمي من ذكرنا من الصحابة والتابعين وتابعيهم وجماعة من أئمة المسلمين بارتكاب محرم قطعاً من أشنع الشنع ، وأبدع البدع ، وأوحش الجهالات، وأفحش الضلالات

“There exists a difference of opinion among scholars about listening to songs with and without musical instruments.
This is a matter about which one should not be difficult/harsh while denouncing the one who indulges in it.
This was the reason which prompted me to compile this work (on music), because there are some deluded people who think – due to their lack of knowledge of evidences – that the ban on musical instruments has been affirmed with certainty and that the consensus of scholars supports the ban.
And you now know that this understanding is undoubtedly falsehood and inevitable ignorance.
It is not hidden from those who know: that to accuse (those who permitted musical instruments) of committing haraam – from among the Sahaba, the Tabi’ien, their followers and the multitude of the scholars of the Muslimeen – that such an accusation against them one of the greatest slanders, greatest innovations, brute ignorance and the filthiest forms of misguidance!”

[“Fath al-Rabbani”, 10/5249].


It is INCORRECT to say: “the scholars DISAGREE about the permissibility of MUSIC”

We need to be very specific:

1- There is MUSIC which is AGREED UPON its permissibility (for example: the Tambourine, during happy occasions)

2- There is also MUSIC which is AGREED UPON its impermissibility (for example: when music is accompanied with evil, i.e. immoral lyrics, nudity, drinking, etc).

3- The only type of MUSIC which scholars DISAGREE about is: musical instruments other than the Tambourine.

So there is no dispute about #1 & #2 – the dispute is only about #3.

And the dispute about #3 is a valid dispute: everyone is free to follow whichever of these opinions convinces them.

If you dig deep – you will realise that they all make valid points.


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