The Ruling On Those Who Don’t Pray

A zealous young man asked Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali:

‎‫سأل شابٌ الشيخ محمد الغزالي رحمه الله: “ما حكم تارك الصلاة يا شيخ؟” ‬

‫فأجابه: “حكمه أن تأخذه معك إلى المسجد.. كن داعيًا قبل أن تكون قاضيًا!! “‬

“What is the ruling on someone who doesn’t pray?!”

The Shaykh responded:

“The ruling is that you take him with you to the Mosque.

Be an inviter (Da’iee) before you become a judge (Qadhi)!”

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