The Night Journey Was Not On Buraq

Was the Prophet’s Night Journey on Buraq ‘البراق’ ?

All scholars agree that the Prophet went from Makkah to Bayt al-Maqdis on the Buraq ‘البراق’ creature, during his night journey. Most scholars believe that from there, his ascension to the heavens was also on the Buraq, but some scholars believe it was not on the Buraq:

1- Hafiz Ibn Kathir said:
والمقصود أنه – صلى الله عليه وسلم – لما فرغ من أمر بيت المقدس نصب له المعراج ، وهو السلم ، فصعد فيه إلى السماء ، ولم يكن الصعود على البراق ، كما قد يتوهمه بعض الناس ، بل كان البراق مربوطا على باب مسجد بيت المقدس ; ليرجع عليه إلى مكة
“When the Prophet finished at Bayt al-Maqdis (from the prayers), the object (Miraj) appeared to him which is a heavenly staircase (from another dimension, world of the unseen) and by that he ascended to the heavens. This was not on the Buraq, as some people assumed. Buraq was tied to the door of Bayt al-Maqdis so that he could return on it to Makkah.”
[“Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah”, 3/138].

2- Imam al-Suyuti said:
الصحيح الذي تقرر من الأحاديث الصحيحة أن العروج كان في المعراج لا على البراق
“The correct opinion which is supported by Sahih Ahadith, is that the ascension to the heavens was by some kind of object like mi’raj or staircase (from the world of the unseen), not by Buraq.”
[“Al-Isra wal-Mi’raaj”, 1/42].

Allahu A’lam

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