The People Mocked Noah

The people of Noah mocked him – تفسير ابن كثير

Ibn Kathir narrates in his Tafsir (2/463):

ويسخرون منه ويقولون : تعمل سفينة في البر ، فكيف تجري ؟ قال : سوف تعلمون

“The [disbelievers] used to mock [Noah], saying: “Are you building a ship on dry land?! How will it sail [on dry land]?!”

Noah said: “You will [soon] find out.”


End Quote.

They used to laugh and mock Noah, every time they passed by the massive Ark, which was being built on dry land.

They did not believe that a flood would come.

This type of mockery was encountered by many Prophets and believers in the past.

It did not cause them to abandon their faith.

Some insecure Muslims today think: because some Islamic concepts – like miracles – are mocked by secularists for being “unscientific”, we should deny miracles altogether.

This is nonsense.

The entire POINT of a miracle is that it is SUPERNATURAL – if it was a natural phenomenon, it wouldn’t be a miracle. The Creator Who made the laws of physics CAN bend them, if He wanted to.

Noah was also mocked – it did not mean he was wrong.

Soon after, the floodgates of heavens opened and waves like mountains (موج كالجبال) came down on the people of Noah.

May God keep us steadfast on the truth , Ameen

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