Darwin Believed In God

Darwin was not an Atheist…

He affirmed the existence of a Creator. Later in life, he rejected religions, but he still remained agnostic. He did not reject the existence of a Creator until he died.

The type of Creator he seemed to believe in was one Who created this world and set all the laws in motion, including evolution – and then let it run its course without the Creator’s further interference.

So, contrary to what some atheists claim: evolution does not lead to atheism.

Evolution would be the HOW
GOD would be the WHO

For example, if we know HOW the water-cycle or gravity works, that doesn’t mean the Creator, WHO set these laws into motion doesn’t exist. It would be as absurd as saying: “Henry Ford didn’t exist, because we know how Ford cars are manufactured.”

[Quote below is from Darwin’s: ‘Origin of Species’.]

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