Raising Children

A father went to a wise man and asked: “Can you tell me how I can best raise my son?”

The wise man asked: “How old is he?”

The father replied: “Seven months old.”

The wise man said: “You’ve left this very late. You should have come to me when you were choosing his mother. It starts from there.”

‎سأل رجل حكيم : أخبرني عن طريقة مثالية أربي بها إبني ..
‎سأله الحكيم : كم عمره ..؟
‎قال : سبعة أشهر ..
‎قال له الجكيم : لقد تأخرت كثيراً ، فتربية الأولاد تبدأ منذ إختيار الأم ..!

* It works exactly the same way the other way round: mothers should choose a good father for their future children.

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