Sectarianism Is A Disease

Imam Haskafi al-Hanafi said 400 years ago:

إذا سئلنا عن مذهبنا ومذهب مخالفنا قلنا وجوبا :
مذهبنا صواب يحتمل الخطأ
ومذهب مخالفنا خطأ يحتمل الصواب
“If you ask us about our madhab and the madhab of our (other Sunni) opponents (on Fiqhi issues), we say:
Our madhab is correct, but may be incorrect.
The madhab of our opponents is incorrect, but may be correct.”

[Quoted in “Rad al-Muhtar”, 1/48-49].

#NoToSectarianism #NoToCultMentality

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