Reliable Chain, Problematic Content

A reliable and authentic chain [سند] does not always mean the Hadith itself is authentic.

There may be problems with the content [المتن].

Ibn Al-Jawzi says:

ألا ترى أنه لو اجتمع خلق من الثقات، فأخبروا أن الجمل دخل في سم الخياط، لما نفعتنا ثقتهم، ولا أثرت في خبرهم؛ لأنهم أخبروا بمستحيل، فكل حديث يخالف المعقول، أو يناقض الأصول، فاعلم أنه موضوع
“Do you not see that if a group of trustworthy people gathered and told us that A CAMEL ENTERED THE EYE OF A NEEDLE – the fact that they are all trustworthy is of no use to us and it has no impact on their report, because they are reporting something that is impossible.
So with regard to any report that is contrary to reason or contradicts basic principles, you must realise that it is fabricated.”

[ ‘Al-Mawdu’aat’, 1/106].

NOTE: This is obviously left for the people of knowledge to determine.

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