God Conceals Our Flaws

The Prophet ﷺ said:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ سِتِّيرٌ
“God is a Concealer.”
[‘Nasai‘, 407 – صحيح].

‘Concealment’ [الستر] of Sins – is one of the most beautiful qualities of God.

If God were to lift the veil on our sins, nobody would respect us. We are all sinners.

When people praise us, it’s not because we deserve it, it’s actually because God has hidden our flaws from the eyes and ears of the people.

When you see a flaw in someone, conceal it – so that God may conceal your flaws on the Day of Judgement.

If you expose people, God will expose you in front of the entire creation on the Day of Judgement.

And if God covers your sins, do not remove God’s cover.

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