Don’t Become Arrogant With Your Worship

Imam Al-Qurtubi mentions in his Tafsir (1/443):

وقيل : إن إبليس عبد الله تعالى ثمانين ألف سنة
“And it was said: Satan worshipped God for 80,000 years.”

He went from hero to zero …

So don’t become arrogant with your worship.
It can happen to any of us.
The devil will lead us astray – if we don’t hold tightly onto the rope of God.
Keep asking God for guidance (هداية) and steadfastness (الاستقامة).

The Prophet said:
وإنما الأعمال بالخواتيم
“Actions are judged by their ending.”
[“Sahih Bukhari”, 6607].

May God grant us all a good end, Ameen

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