“Who told you that your father was a wolf?” – فمن أنباك أن أباك ذئب

Al-Bayhaqi narrated an interesting ancient story from Al-Asma’ii:

دخلت البادية ، فإذا أنا بعجوز وبين يديها شاة مقتولة وجرو ذئب مقفى فنظرت إليها
فقالت : أو يعجبك هذا ؟
قلت : بلى . وما قصتك ؟
قالت : اعلم أن هذا جرو ذئب قد أخذناه فأدخلناه بيتنا فلما كبر قتل شاتنا
. ثم أنشأت تقول :
بَقَرْتَ شُوَيهتي وفجعت قلبي * وأنت لشاتنا ولد ربيب
غذيت بدرها و ربيت فينا * فمن أنباك أن أباك ذئب
إذا كان الطباع طباع سوء * فليس بنافع أدب الأديب

“I entered a valley and I came across an old lady.
She was holding a dead sheep in her hands, and there was a wolf standing next to her.
She said: “Does my situation confuse you?”
I said: “Yes – what happened here?”
She said: “When this wolf was a cub, we gave it shelter in our house. But when it grew up, it killed our sheep.”

Then she read some lines of poetry:

بَقَرْتَ شُوَيهتي وفجعت قلبي * وأنت لشاتنا ولد ربيب
“You ripped out the stomach of my sheep and cut into my heart *
while to our sheep you were like a foster child! (RABEEBU);

غذيت بدرها و ربيت فينا * فمن أنباك أن أباك ذئب
You were fed from her milk and you were raised among us *
so who told you that your father was a wolf?! (ZE’BU)

إذا كان الطباع طباع سوء * فليس بنافع أدب الأديب
Indeed, when someone’s nature is set to evil *
no teaching, nor a teacher is of any benefit!” (ADEEBU)

[“Shu’b al-Imaan”, of al-Bayhaqi, 10538].


NOTE: By nature every human is born on the clean fitrah, but be careful of people whose nature has been corrupted by their evil environment.

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