Appearances Can Be Deceiving

A religious man said to a prostitute: “You are drunk, caught every moment in a different snare!”
She replied: “O Shaykh, I am as you say, but are you as you seem?”

‎قال شيخ لبغى : أنت ذى سكرى فسحقا
‎كل ان لك غاو فى احابيلك ملقى
‎فأجابت أنا يا شيخ كما تحكى وأشقى
‎فأجبنى عنك ، هل أنت كما تظهر حقا؟

Note: it does not mean we should stop commanding good and forbidding evil unless we are sinless, it means: we should make sure that we do not forget correcting ourselves while rectifying others.

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