
Steadfast on Truth – الإستقامة

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was getting tortured by the king of his time, for saying that the Qur’an is uncreated.

Ibn Abi Du’ad came to him and said:

يا أحمد قل في أذني القرآن مخلوق حتى أخلصك من يد الخليفة
“O Ahmad, whisper in my ear: ‘The Qur’an is created,’
so that I may save you from the hand of the Caliph.”

So Imam Ahmad said to him:

يا بن أبي دؤاد قل في أذني القرآن كلام الله وليس بمخلوق حتى أخلصك من عذاب الله عز وجل
“O Ibn Abi Du’ad, whisper in my ear: ‘The Qur’an is the Speech of Allah, it is not created,’ so that I may save you from the punishment of Allah!”

[“Al-Manhaj Al-Ahmad”, 1/35].

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