Ibn Taymiyah On Ash’aris
Ibn Taymiyah on Ash’aris – موقف ابن تيمية من الأشاعرة
He was Athari and fiercely opposed the Ash’aris, but he considered them Muslims and also ahlus-Sunnah in the broader sense of the definition, not in the strict sense.
He tried to bring reconciliation between Ash’aris and Hanbalis, saying:
والناس يعلمون أنه كان بين الحنبلية والأشعرية وحشة ومنافرة. وأنا كنت من أعظم الناس تأليفًا لقلوب المسلمين وطلبًا لاتفاق كلمتهم واتباعًا لما أمرنا به من الاعتصام بحبل الله، وأزلت عامة ما كان في النفوس من الوحشة
“People know that there has been, between the Hanbalis and Ash‘aris, much alienation and animosity.
I was of those who strove my utmost to reconcile the hearts of the Muslims and sought to unify their ranks, in emulation of the [divine] command to hold fast to the Rope of Allah.
I removed much of the alienation which existed in the hearts.”
[“Majmu al-Fatawa”, 3/227].
And he said (35/99) the Ash’aris are not disbelievers by agreement of all Muslims: ليسوا كفارا باتفاق المسلمين
He also said:
وان كان في كلامهم من الادلة الصحيحة وموافقة السنة ما لا يوجد في كلام عامة الطوائف
فانهم اقرب طوائف اهل الكلام الى السنة والجماعة والحديث وهم يعدون من اهل السنة والجماعة عند النظر الى مثل المعتزلة والرافضة وغيرهم
بل هم اهل السنة والجماعة في البلاد التي يكون اهل البدع فيها هم المعتزلة والرافضة ونحوهم
“And the speech (of Ash’ari scholars) contains correct evidences that are in line with the Sunnah – which cannot be found in the speech of the other groups.
They are the closest group to the ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah and Hadith, from among the theologians (ahl al-Kalam).
And they can be considered from the ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, when compared to Mu’tazilah, the Rafidah and others.
In fact, they are the ahlus-Sunnah in lands where the people of innovations are Mu’tazila, Rafidha and their likes.”
[“Bayan Talbis Jahmiyyah”, 3/538].
Ibn Taymiyah even admitted that some fanatical Hanbalis exaggerated in affirming things as “attributes”, based on weak and fabricated narrations:
وكثير من الحنبلية زادوا في الإثبات
“And many Hanbalis exaggerated in affirming (attributes for God).”
And he said:
لكن الزيادة في الإثبات إلى حد التشبيه : هو قول الغالية من الرافضة ، ومن جهال أهل الحديث ، وبعض المنحرفين.
“As for exaggeration in affirming (attributes for God) which leads to extent of anthropomorphism: this is the position of the Rafidhah, and this is the position of some ignorant people among the ahl al-hadith, and some other deviants.”
[“Majmu al-Fatawa”, 6/54].
And he said:
وفي الحنبلية أيضا مبتدعة؛ وإن كانت البدعة في غيرهم أكثر ، وبدعتهم غالبا في زيادة الإثبات في حق الله ، وفي زيادة الإنكار على مخالفهم بالتكفير وغيره
“And among the Hanbalis there are also innovators, even though the innovators among the other groups are more.
And the innovation [among some Hanbalis] is the exaggeration in affirming attributes for God, and also in their exaggerated Takfir on their opponents.”
[“Majmu al-Fatawa”, 20/186].
Final note:
There is a time and place for theological discussions among scholars.
It should not lead to disunity in the Ummah.
Ibn Qudamah was Hanbali but he fought in the army of Salahudin Ayubi, who was Ash’ari.
A group of sectarian fanatical Hanbalis attacked the Ash’ari Imam Abu Nu’aym with their pencil sharpeners, and Imam Dhahabi said:
ما هؤلاء بأصحاب الحديث ، بل فجرة جهلة ، أبعد الله شرهم
“They are not Ahl al-Hadith, they are ignorant criminals!”
By all means disagree, but Sectarianism & Cultism should be avoided.
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