Judging On Apparent
Any sane individual, who willingly says to people: “I am Allah”, or: “worship me”, will be considered a kaafir, moshrik & taghoot.
The length of their beard and the size of their turban cannot save them – at all.
Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani said:
وكلهم أجمعوا على ان احكام الدنيا تجري على الظاهر و الله يتولى السرائر
“And all scholars have agreed, that the worldly rulings will be based on what is apparent, and the secrets are left for God to judge.”
[“Fath al-Bari”, 12/273].
This is agreed upon.
If someone displays imaan, they will be judged as believers.
If someone displays kufr and shirk or claims divinity, they will be judged as disbelievers.
There are some delusional fake sufis, who claim that God is inside them, or that God is manifesting Himself through them, saying: it is God who is saying through my tongue: “I am Allah”, and they ask people to prostrate to them, saying: “a prostration to me is actually a prostration to God, not to me”, and they claim that the pen writing bad deeds has been lifted for them, etc.
All believers should be wary of them.
They are not true Sufis, they are imposters and misguided.
The Creator does not enter inside the creation. The Creator is separate from creation.
Whatever you do – don’t loose your Tawheed…. or you will lose everything.
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