Making Cows Understand

Al-Buhturi – البحتري

He was a poet who lived more than 1,000 years ago.

He wrote an eloquent poem, but some fools didn’t understand it, so they went around making fun of it.

So, Al-Buhturi wrote a counter-poem:

على نحت القوافي من معادنها
* وما علي إذا لم تفهم البقر
‘My job is to carve the rhymes from their origins … but it is not my fault when cows don’t understand them.’

And for those who know Arabic:

سأل رجلٌ أحدَ علماءِ اللغة:
ما الكموج؟
فقال له: أين قرأتَها؟
قال الرجلُ: في قولِ امرىء القيس: “وليلٍ كموج البحر…..”
فردَّ عليه العالمُ: “الكموجُ” دابةٌ تقرأ ولا تفهم!!!!

A man asked a linguist: “what does the word ‘likethewavesof’ mean?”
The linguist asked: “Where did you read that word?”
The man said: “In the poem: “And a night, LIKE THE WAVES OF the ocean …”
The linguist said: “Oh I see … “Likethewavesof” is an animal that reads but does not understand.”


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