Funny Story
Ibn al-Jawzi narrates another funny story:
ضرط ابو النجم في ليلة ضرطتين
فخاف أن تكون امرأته قد سمعته
فقال أسمعت شيئا
قالت لا ما سمعت منهما شيئا
فقال لعنك الله فمن أعلمك أنهما اثنتان
A man farted twice at night.
He wanted to make sure that his wife hadn’t heard anything.
He asked his wife: “Did you hear anything?”
She said: “No, NEITHER of THEM.”
He said: “May God curse you! Then who told you that there were two of them?!”
[“Akhbar al-Hamqa”, 1/168].
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