
It is permissible to beat the Daff – الدُّف musical instrument (Tambourine) during certain happy occasions, by agreement of all scholars.

It is an Ijmaa (consensus):

1- Badrudeen ‘Ayni Hanafi wrote:
اتّفق الْعلمَاء على جَوَاز اللَّهْو فِي وَلِيمَة النِّكَاح كضرب الدُّف وَشبهه
“The scholars unanimously agree on the permissibility of amusement during walimah and nikah, such as beating the Tambourine (musical instrument) and the likes of it.”
[‘Umdat al-Qari’, 20/149].

2- Ibn Rushd al-Maliki said:
قال ابن رشد: اتفق أهل العلم على إجازة الدف
“The people of knowledge have unanimously agreed on the permissibility of the Tambourine (musical instrument).”
[“Mawahib al-Jalil’, 5/248].

3- – Imam al-Mardawi Hanbali says:
إعلان النكاح مستحب بلا نزاع.
وكذا يستحب الضرب عليه بالدف نص عليه وعليه الأصحاب.
واستحب الإمام أحمد رحمه الله أيضا الصوت في العرس.
“Announcing the Nikah is recommended, without any dispute.
The same is true for beating the Tambourine (musical instrument) during the event.
This has been established from the Imam (Ahmad) and this is what the (Hanbali) companions are upon.
Imam Ahmad also recommended using the voice/singing during the wedding.”
[“Al-Insaaf”, 8/341].

4- It is mentioned in “Al-Fawakih al-Dawani”, (2/313):
في الفواكه الدواني أيضا 2/313 : ( إلا الدف بضم الدال أو فتحها وهو المغشى من جهة واحدة ويعرف بالطار ويقال له الغربال فإنه يجوز لها حضوره لجوازه باتفاق أهل العلم في النكاح
وإباحة ضربه للرجال والنساء ولو كان فيها صراصر أو جلاجل على ظاهر كلام أهل المذهب خلافا لمن قيد , لله در المصنف كخليل في الإطلاق المعروف لأهل المذهب وبقية الأئمة الأربعة
والمشهور عدم جواز ضربه في غير النكاح كالختان والولادة ومقابل المشهور جوازه في كل فرح للمسلمين
وقد اختلف في جواز ضرب الكبر بفتحتين وهو الطبل الكبير المجلد من وجهين والمزهر على ثلاثة أقول : الجواز لابن حبيب , والكراهة فيهما والجواز في الكبر وكراهة المزهر ) اه
It says that the Tambourine musical instrument is allowed during Nikahs, by agreement of all scholars.
He says its permissible to use for both men and women, even if it contains rings/bells according to the correct opinion in the Madhab, contrary to the other view that restrict it.
It also says that some scholars allowed the big drums, while others disliked them.

5- Imam Nawawi ash-Shafi’ii says:
أما الدف، فضربه مباح في العرس والختان،
وأما في غيرهما، فأطلق صاحب المهذب والبغوي وغيرهما تحريمه، وقال الامام والغزالي: حلال:
وحيث أبحناه هو فيما إذا لم يكن فيه جلاجل، فإن كان، فالأصح حله أيضا.
ولا يحرم ضرب الطبول إلا الكوبة
“As for the Tambourine (musical instrument), it is permissible to strike during weddings and circumcisions.
Outside of these occasions it is not allowed according to the author of Al-Muhazzab, and Al-Baghawi and others, but the Imaam (Abul Qaasim) and Al- Ghazaali said it is allowed even outside these occasions.
And when they have allowed it, they meant the tambourine which has no bells/rings. If it does contain bells/rings then the correct opinion is that it is also allowed.
Beating drums is also not forbidden, except the Kubah drum.”
[“Rawdah At-Talibeen”, 11/228].

6- Imam al-Dasuqi said:
لا يكره الغربال أي الطبل به في العرس بل يستحب لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: أعلنوا النكاح واضربوا عليه بالدف
وأما في غير العرس كالختان والولادة فالمشهور عدم جواز ضربه، ومقابل المشهور جوازه في كل فرح للمسلمين
“It is not discouraged to beat the الغربال , i.e. (the Tambourine), it is even recommended, because the Prophet peace be upon him said: “Announce the Nikah and use the Tambourine.”
And concerns outside weddings, such as during circumcision or birth of a child, the famous opinion is that it is not allowed – and against this opinion is the opinion that says it is allowed in every happy occasion of Muslimeen.”
[‘Hashiyah’, 2/339].

7- Ibn Nujaym Hanafi says:
ولا بأس بضرب الدف في العرس ,
وسئل أبو يوسف عن الدف في غير العرس بأن تضرب المرأة في غير فسق للصبي ؟
قال لا بأس بذلك
“There is nothing wrong with beating the Tambourine (musical instrument) during weddings.
Imam Abu Yusuf (major student of Abu Hanifah) was asked about beating the Tambourine outside weddings, for example a woman who beats it for a child, without using any vulgar speech?
He said: There is nothing wrong with that.”
[‘Bahr al-Raaiq’, 8/236].

8- Ibn Qudamah Hanbali says:
ويستحب اعلان النكاح والضرب فيه بالدف
قال أحمد يستحب أن يظهر النكاح ويضر ب فيه بالدف حتى يشتهر ويعرف
“It is recommended to announce the Nikah and beat the Tambourine (musical instrument) on this occasion.
Imam Ahmad said: It’s recommended to openly reveal the Nikah, and beat the Tambourine, until it is popular and known.”
[‘Al-Mughni’, 7/434].

9- Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani says:
قال المهلب : ” في هذا الحديث إعلان النكاح بالدف وبالغناء المباح “. انتهى من “فتح الباري” لابن حجر (9/203).
“Al-Muhallab said: In this Hadith, there is evidence for announcing the Nikah with the Tambourine (musical instrument) and with lawful songs.”
[‘Fath al-Bari’, 9/203].

10- Al-Qaadhy Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi Al-Maliki (543H) says in his Tafsir:
وأما طبل اللهو فهو كالدف وكذلك الآت المشهرة للنكاح يجوز إستعمالها فيه لمايحسن من الكلام ويسلم من الرفث
“As for the Drum (tabl) that is used for entertainment, the ruling of this is the same as the Tambourine (daff).
The same ruling applies to all popular musical instruments that are used in weddings.
It is permissible to use them, as long as its accompanied with good speech and free from obscenity.”
[“Ahkam al-Qur’an”, 3/1494].


Many scholars do not restrict it to ‘weddings’ alone, they allow it on any happy occasion, such as Eids, Weddings, Birth of a Baby, Circumcision, Safe Return of a Traveller, etc.

The Prophet himself allowed it outside weddings: https://www.facebook.com/mohmand.laghmani/posts/10160254208798496

And the majority of scholars do not restrict it to women, they allow it for men also.

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