The Blind Men & Elephant
The Blind Men & The Elephant
Yes , Islam does support some aspects of Communism, Capitalism, Democracy, Feminism, Vegetarianism, Nationalism etc.
But our Prophet was NOT a Communist, Capitalist, Democrat, Feminist, Nationalist nor a Vegetarian.
Every single one of these ISM’s has aspects which overlap (conform) with Islam – but they also have aspects which clash with Islam.
The mistake some people make is, they see some SIMILIARIRTY and think it’s the SAME.
Don’t be like those blind men, who couldn’t identify the elephant, because they focused on pieces of the puzzle, and not the full picture.
Don’t look at the pixels, look at the picture.
Islam is a way of life – it already contains all the good aspects of other ideologies. Islam does not suffer from inferiority-complex, trying to blend in everywhere. Like a medicine, it came to cure the ills of society (like Racism, Crime, Oppression, Drugs, Prostitution, Theft, Murder etc) – the cure does not attempt to please the disease.
The Prophet is reported to have said:
الاسلام يعلو ولا يعلى عليه
“Islam is the dominator, not the dominated.”
[“Sahih al-Jami”, 2778 – حسن].
The beneficial aspects of any system which do not clash with Islam must be embraced by Muslims, and any aspect which opposes Islam is to be shunned.
Very simple.
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