Ibn Taymiyah Defending Abu Hanifah
Imam Ibn Taymiyah defends Imam Abu Hanifah – دفاع عن الإمام أبي حنيفة
Ibn Taymiyah said:
– NOBODY doubts Abu Hanifah’s: Jurisprudence (فقهه), Understanding (وفهمه) and Knowledge (وعلمه)
– If you doubt the intelligence of Abu Hanifah you are either ARROGANT or IGNORANT
– The accusations against him were LIES to demonise him
– He did NOT oppose authentic narrations with Qiyaas (analogy)
– Abu Hanifah did not even dare to oppose a companion, (let alone the Prophet)
1- Ibn Taymiyah said:
إن أبا حنيفة وإن كان من الناس خالفوه في أشياء وأنكروها عليه فلا يستريب أحد في فقهه وفهمه وعلمه
وقد نقلوا عنه أشياء يقصدون بها الشناعة عليه وهي كذب عليه قطعاً
“As for Abu Hanifah, even though some people disagreed with him on some issues and objected to some of his opinions – but still nobody doubts his Fiqh, understanding and knowledge!!!
And they mentioned things about him by which they wanted to demonize him, but these were LIES about him!!!”
[“Minhaaj Al-Sunnah”, 1/259].
2- Ibn Taymiyah said:
ومن ظن بأبي حنيفة أو غيره من أئمة المسلمين أنهم يتعمدون مخالفة الحديث الصحيح لقياس أو غيره فقد أخطأ عليهم وتكلم إما بظن وإما بهوى
“Whoever thinks that Abu Hanifa or any other Imam of the Muslims deliberately opposed sound hadiths by Qiyaas (analogy) or anything else, has erred about them and is either speaking based on assumptions or his desires.”
[“Majmu al-Fatawa”, 20/304].
2- Ibn Taymiyah said:
فإن كنت تشك في ذكاء مثل مالك، و الأوزاعي، والليث بن سعد، و أبي حنيفة، وأبي يوسف، ومحمد بن الحسن، وزفر بن الهذيل، والشافعي، و أحمد بن حنبل، و إسحاق بن إبراهيم، وأبي عبيد، وإبراهيم الحربي، وعبد الملك بن حبيب الأندلسي، و البخاري، و مسلم، وأبي داود، وعثمان بن سعد الدارمي، بل: ومثل أبي العباس بن سريج، وأبي جعفر الطحاوي، وأبي القاسم الخرقي، وإسماعيل بن إسحاق القاضي، وغيرهم من امثالهم
“… And if you doubt the intelligence of people like … Abu Hanifah … ”
And he mentioned a long list of scholars, and then said:
فإن شككت في ذلك: فأنت مفرط في الجهل أو مكابر
“If you doubt their intelligence, then you are either arrogant or ignorant.”
He continued:
انه لا يجترئ الواحد منهم أن يخالف الواحد من الصحابة، إلا أن يكون قد خالفه صاحب آخر
“Not a single one of them dared to oppose a single ruling of any of the Sahabah, unless he was aware of another Sahabi adhering to the opposing view.”
[“Dar at-Ta’arud al-‘Aql wan-Naql”, 2/355].
In the Time of Abu Hanifah, there erupted some Fitan & Disputes.
There was a lot of hearsay (qeel wa qaal – قيل وقال ) about Abu Hanifah.
There were false rumours, allegations, miscommunication, misunderstandings, etc. between Ahl al-Hadith and the people of Kufah (Abu Hanifah).
People falsely accused Imam Abu Hanifah of things and YES, some pious Imams did rely on this FAKE NEWS, but they are excused because they did not know any better.
There was no Telephone or Skype in those days, to call someone and get clarification.
It was a 1500km journey on foot – between Kufah and Makkah.
Then the dust settled, the Fitnah died and the truth came out.
The Ummah unanimously accepted Abu Hanifah as an Imaam.
Just look at 3 Muslim countries today:
– India: 200,000,000 Muslims
– Pakistan: 200,000,000 Muslims
– Bangladesh: 150,000,000 Muslims
That’s 550,000,000 Muslims – if we classify 50 million as non-Hanafis, then we are left with HALF A BILLION (500,000,000) HANAFIS – in just these 3 countries!
500,000,000 followers – in just 3 countries …
So the influence of Abu Hanifah is undisputable!!!
His Fiqh solves every day problems, for millions of people – EVERY SINGLE DAY – for over 1,000 years in Muslim courts.
His Fiqh rules over 3 CONTINENTS …
Yet – we have some people, who attack this noble Imaam, create division, sectarianism and create a Fitnah.
They bring out quotes which some Imams of the Salaf made in those times of Fitnah, when the truth was blurred – and they attack the Imaam 1,000 later – AFTER the truth has become clear.
Yes – he was human, nobody says he is infallible – his own students opposed him on some issues!
Nobody should resurrect those Fitan that died out 1,000 years ago – especially when they were based on LIES!
It is said in old books:
الفتنة نائمة لعن الله من أيقظها
“Fitnah (tribulation) is asleep;
May God curse the one who awakens it.”
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