Bilal al-Habashi
Bilal – بلال بن رباح
It has been narrated:
وعن قيس قال: اشترى أبو بكر بلالا وهو مدفون في الحجارة بخمس أواق ذهبا، فقالوا: لو أبيت إلا أوقية لبعناكه، قال: لو أبيتم إلا مئة أوقية لأخذته
Abu Bakr purchased (freed) Bilal for 5 golden coins ― while he was buried under rocks (getting tortured for believing in Tawheed).
They said: “Had you refused to buy, except for a single coin of gold, we would still have sold him to you.”
Abu Bakr replied: “Had you refused to sell, except for 100 golden coins, I would still have taken him.”
[“Musanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah”, 36589 – Dhahabi said: The chain is strong – إسناده قوي ].
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