Bride Burning
Ibn Batuta, the famous Moroccan explorer from 700 years ago, writes in his ‘Rihla’ (p.424), that he fainted on seeing the unbelievable sight of ‘Sati’ (bride burning) in India.
He described how a widow smiled and willingly jumped into the flames of her husbands funeral fire 🔥 :
يتحدث الرحالة ابــن بــطــوطـة عن مشهد إحراق المرآة نفسها بعد وفاة زوجها في الهند فيقول : ” و لما رأيت ذلك المشهد كدت أسقط عن فرسي لولا أصحابي تداركوني بالماء فغسلوا وجهي و انصرفت ”
ابن بطوطة في كتاب تحفة النظار ص 424
“On beholding this scene I would have fallen from my horse, had not my companions brought water which they threw over my face and restored me.”
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