Imam Ibn Rajab Hanbali said:

الإيمان بمثل شجرة لها أصل وفروع و...

A man sat in a taxi and the driver was playing the Qur'an.


The Poet says:

حُسن النِّسَاء بلَا طُهر وَلَا أَدب،


The Atheist Barber ....

A barber was once cutting a man's hair...

There is no escape from destiny....

وإن يكن قدر المولي له غرقا...

There is an old infamous Arab tribe which had a bad reputation an...

Bashar bin Burd was a classical poet of Persian origin. He lived ...

Imam Ibn Kathir says:

والناس يقولون الناس على دين مليكهم


The problems and imperfections we see in the world around us, may...