Day: August 19, 2020

Arabic Proverb: الْجَارُ قَبْلَ الدَّارِ وَالرَّفِيقُ قَبْلَ الطَّرِيقِ "[Choose] your neighbour (JAAR), before your home (DAAR), And your companion/friend (RAFEEQ), before ...

Giving Fatawa should not be taken lightly by the Muftis. Abu Husain, the great Tabi'ie, said about some Muftis of his time: إنَّ أحدهم ليفتي في المسألة، ولو وردت على عمر لجمع لها أهل بدر “Some of them pass verdicts on an issue, the like of...

Imam Abu Hanifah - رحمه الله تعالى - saw a boy playing in the mud. The Imam told him to be careful, so he doesn't slip in the mud. The boy replied: ‏ احذر أنت السقوط، فإن في سقوط العالم سقوط العالم "You should be careful of slipping, because the ...