Day: March 27, 2021

A common mistake when JUDGING OTHERS - أدب الاختلاف Some people judge their opponents with the Fiqhi opinion that they themselves hold. This is a huge mistake ... For example, a guy believes that keeping trousers below ankles (الإسبال) is a sin ev...

Can we call "Allah - الله " "God" or "Khoda" - in other languages? Yes - there is no problem with this. 1- Ibn al-Humaam al-Hanafi said 500 years ago: ولو قال بالفارسية سوكند ميخورم بخداي يكون يمينا "If he says in Persian: “I swear by KHODA (GOD)”,...

A Bedouin was freezing one night, so he lit a fire. The fire warmed him up, so he said: اللهم لا تحرمنيها لا في الدنيا ولا في الآخرة "May God not deprive us of fire in this world, nor in the next.”...