Day: April 26, 2021

A Bedouin came to Mamoon ... جاء أعرابي إلى المأمون The Bedouin said: "I want to go on Hajj." Caliph: "The road is in front of you ..." Bedouin: "But I don't have the means." Caliph: "Then H...

A man was standing at the pulpit and gave a speech, full of mistakes. He then mis-pronounced: "Corruption has appeared on land and in the sea." [Qur'an 30:41]. A Bedouin said: "And also on the pulpits!"...

A blind man married a woman. She said: "If only you could see me, you would have been in awe of my beauty!" The blind man said: "If that was true, the people of sight would not have left you to someone like m...

When a scholar lives a modern lifestyle, earns halal money, lives in a nice house and owns a nice car - they say: “he prefers the materialistic Dunya over the Akhirah!” And when he lives a simple life, lives in a mud house, sleeps on the floor and e...

Juha said: "May God curse those who married before me and those who marry after me!" He was asked: "Why?" He replied: "Because those who married before me did not warn me, and those who marry after me do not ...