Day: May 7, 2021

Ibn al-Jawzi said: العالم عند العوام من صعد المنبر "A scholar - according to the general public - is the one who has climbed the pulpit (mimbar)." ["Al-Qusaas wal-Mudhakirin", p. 318]. This is a big mistake, because anyone can tie...

The Return of Jesus - نزول عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام The great Muhadith, Ahmad Shaakir [pictured] said in his footnotes on Tafsir Tabari [6/460]: نزول عيسى عليه السلام في آخر الزمان: مما لم يختلف فيه المسلمون، لورود الأخبار المتواترة الصحاح ...

Once, a Lion had captured prey ... As it was eating it, the hyenas gathered all around him, making threatening noises. The Lion didn't pay any attention to them and calmly finished his meal. ...

It is said: لكل بيت أسرار "Every house has its secrets..." There are no exceptions. When you visit other people's houses, respect people's privacy. Don't try to dig for answers, if they don't tell it to you themselv...