Day: June 9, 2021

Plot Twist: Hanafis, Malikis, Shafi’is, and Hanbalis are all Salafi 😃 Because those 4 Imams were from the Salaf and those who follow the righteous Salaf are Salafi. Don’t shoot me....

A man said to his wife: "I want to marry a second wife." He just wanted to see her reaction ... Day 1: he didn't see anything Day 2: he didn't see anything Day 3: he slowly started seeing again with his right eye ... قال رجل لزوجته: أريد أن أتزوج زو...

A linguist boarded a boat - من طرائف النحويين The linguist asked the boat navigator: "Do you know much about grammar?" The navigator replied: "No." The linguist said: "You lost half your life." ...