Day: July 1, 2021

Is the punishment for drinking intoxicants 'Hadd' (حد) or 'Ta'zir' (تعزير)? The vast majority of scholars of the 4 madhabs (some claimed its a consensus (الإجماع), they believe that the punishment for drinking intoxicants is 'Hadd'. Another group o...

A Khariji extremist entered Basrah. Th governor asked him: "Is your name such and such?" The Khariji replied: "That’s my brother." The governor recited: "all cows look alike to us." [Qur'an 2...

A criminal was caught and was about to face justice. He said to the king: "Show some mercy!" The king said: لستُ أرْحمَ بك ممن أوجبَ عليك الحدَ‏ "I cannot be more merciful to you, than the One who ordained this punishment for you."...