Day: July 18, 2021

An Afghan joke about cowards: A coward’s home was looted… His wife came home and said: "They looted everything… why did they leave the bed?" The man beat his chest and said: "That’s where this lion was sleep...

Boring teachers: العلم بحر لا ساحل له 'knowledge is an ocean that has no coast' The job of teachers is to dive deep into this ocean of knowledge, and bring out the pearls to their students. Just the pearls … a good...

Tea is the Wine of the Believers ....... 😍 الشّايُ خمرُ المؤمنين...

The scholars of the Salaf used to say: إن أثر الحبر في ثوب صاحب الحديث أحسن من الخلوق في ثوب العروس “The traces of ink on the clothes of a scholar of Hadith are better than the perfume on the clothes of brides....”...