Day: August 13, 2021

Sheep spend their entire life fearing the wolf, but in the end, it is the shepherd who eats them ! تعيش الأغنام حياتها خائفة من الذئب ثم في النهاية يأكلها الراعي ! #KnowYourEnemy...

Imam Nawawi ash-Shafi'ii said: والذي يقتضيه الدليل أنه ـ أي العامي ـ لا يلزمه التمذهب بمذهب، بل يستفتي من يشاء، أو من اتفق، لكن من غير تلقط للرخص "What is dictated by the evidence is that a layperson is not obliged to adhere to a madhhab; r...

A woman named Jamilah ‘جميلة’ (beautiful), the daughter of Abdur-Rahman, had a court hearing. The guard said to the judge: “There is a lady at the door, she wants to come inside...” The judge said: “If she is...