Day: November 14, 2021

Avoiding dirty words and using metaphors - استخدام الكناية There are many filthy/obscene/vulgar words which immoral people often use (الكلمات التي لا يحسن ذكرها). If honourable people were to use dirty words, they would lose respect and they would b...

It is said: الأقدام التي لا تقودك إلى الصلاة لن تقودك إلى الجنة "How will the feet which cannot carry you to prayer, carry you to Paradise?"...

A wise man once said: يتحدثون من خلفك لأنهم بالفعل خلفك "They talk behind you, because they ARE behind you."...

A man had some bad experiences with marriage. He was asked for his opinion about marriage, so, he explained: فرح شهر، وغم دهر، ووزن مهر، وكسر ظهر “Joy for a SHAHR (month), grief for a DAHR (eternity), burde...

A wise story from the times of Jahiliyah - أقتلوا من قتل الكلب A family had a guard dog, and someone killed it. The family gathered to consult. The family elder said: ‎أقتلوا من قتل الكلب “Kill the person who killed the dog” The family members thou...