Day: November 29, 2021

Don't elevate stupid people: A man bought a new donkey and took it to the roof of his house, so that the donkey could enjoy the view of the neighbourhood. After a while, the donkey didn't want to come down! The man tried to pull down the donkey, but...

In Life - try to turn negatives into positives: إذا ناولك أحدهم كوب ليمون فأضف إليه حفنة من سكر... وإذا أهدي لك ثعبان فخذ جلده الثمين واترك بقيته... If someone were to hand you a glass full of squeezed lemons, add to it a handful of sugar. And if ...

Our elders used to say: ښه خلک بد هیروې بد خلک ښه هیروي "Good people forget your bad, bad people forget your good."...

Al-Qur’an: وَتَشْهَدُ أَرْجُلُهُم بِمَا كَانُواْ يَكْسِبُونَ “And their feet will testify to what they used to commit.” [36:65]. On that Day, some feet will say: he/she used me to walk to the mosque, to walk to help a needy person, ...