Day: December 7, 2021

Good companionship - صحبة الأخيار The people around you have a strong influence on you. 1- The Qur'an states: وَكُونُواْ مَعَ ٱلصَّٰدِقِينَ "And be WITH the truthful." [9:119]. [This verse does NOT say: 'BE TRUTHFUL', it says: 'Be WITH the Truthful...

Depression ... المكتئب ليس شخصاً مريضاً في نظري، بل هو إنسان رأى الدنيا وأهلها على حقيقتهم، وعجز عن التعامل مع كل هذا القُبح "A Depressed person is not sick in my opinion, but it is a person who saw the real face of the world and its people...