Day: December 9, 2021

Imam Haskafi al-Hanafi said 400 years ago: إذا سئلنا عن مذهبنا ومذهب مخالفنا قلنا وجوبا : مذهبنا صواب يحتمل الخطأ ومذهب مخالفنا خطأ يحتمل الصواب "If you ask us about our madhab and the madhab of our (other Sunni) opponents (on Fiqhi issues),...

A man claimed prophethood at the time of Caliph Mamoon. Mamoon asked: “What is your miracle?” The man replied: “Ask me anything you want.” Mamoon had a lock in his hand and said: “Open this lock without a key.” The man said: “I’m a Prophet, not a loc...