Day: December 18, 2021

Sometimes, keeping your distance from people and reducing your presence increases your worth in their eyes. لربما القمر ليس جميلا إلا لأنه بعيد.. "Maybe the moon is only beautiful because it is far away ..." What makes people attra...

Times have changed, but Arabs used to like chubbiness in women and they did not like chubbiness in men. 1- Imam al-Suyuti wrote a book 600 years ago, titled: اليواقيت الثمينة في صفات السمينة 'Precious Pearls [in praise of] the Characteristics of Fat...

They say about finding people's true nature: بعض البشر كمسائل الرياضيات .. الحل طويل و القيمة صفر !.. 'Some people are like complicated maths questions: it takes long to understand and figure them out, but the answer you end up with may be zero (i...