Day: December 19, 2021

It's all about the leader ... A man from the Banu Abs tribe was asked: "Who is the smartest one amongst you?" He replied: "We are 1,000 men, technically only one of us is smart, but because we all consult and obey him, all 1,000 of us are smart." ق...

"But I have a good heart"... Ibn Taymiyah said: القلب هو الملك، والأعضاء جنوده "The heart is king and the limbs are its obedient soldiers." ["Majmu al-Fatawa", 2/6]. The fact that our hearts command our limbs to perform bad deeds and no good deeds,...

A romantic woman woke her husband up in the middle of the night, saying: "Did you sleep out of love for this night? Or did you sleep this night while in love [with me]? Or am I and the night both sleeplessly in love!" Her husband replied: "Are you l...

'Putting the hand on the wound, even if it hurts...' وضع اليد على الجرح وان أوجع... The coward preachers who shy away from the difficult issues and only talk about the 'cute' and 'fluffy' stuff - they are unfit to lead this nation. This nation is b...