Day: January 12, 2022

It is said: ‎دعا نوحٌ الحيوانات مرّةً واحدة فركبت السّفينة، وقضى 950 سنةً يدعو النّاسَ إلى الله فاختاروا الغرق “Noah invited animals once, they boarded the Ark. He invited humans to God for 950 years, and in the end most of...

The art of ignoring: ‎اقتل بصمتك “Kill [them] with your silence.” When people talk bad about you, they want you to react. They crave for it. When you react angrily - your enemies rejoice, because they know that the...

The Prophet said: ‎وَحَدِّثُوا عَنْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ وَلاَ حَرَجَ “Narrate from the people of the Book, there is no harm in it.” [Sahih Bukhari, 3461]. Imam al-Khattabi explained: ‎قال الخطابي في "معالم السنن" (4/187) :" ليس معناه...