Day: February 7, 2022

It is said: النار تنیر لنا من بعد ولكنھا تحرقنا عن قرب "The fire which lights us at a distance, will burn us when near." If you get too close to certain people, you may get hurt... sometimes it’s best to keep your ...

The mob of hyenas, led by Daniel, is now trying to bring down Imam Zaid Shakir , but remember : ‎ليس كل من ينبح عليه الكلب لصاً ‘Not everyone the dog barks at is a thief.’ What the Imam Zaid Shakir said is: acts of...

There is a proverb which says: ‎الطريق المعهود هو أسلم الطرق “The beaten path, is the safest path.” Which means: when you stick to the main & usual road, you have a better chance of reaching you...