Day: February 9, 2022

We acknowledge miracles of saints 'كرامات الأولياء', but not everything is true - a lot of it are fake stories. One of the weirdest nonsense is reported in a book called: 'جامع كرامات الأولياء' - it says that a ‘saint’ used his private part as a whi...

These mobs are like hyaenas ‘playing with the lion’s tail’ [اللعب بذيل الأسد]…. very dangerous. This girl is not only the pride of India, but the pride of the entire Ummah… we thought that mothers had ceased giving birth to daughter...

Don’t reject a word of truth, even if it’s said by a kaafir - الحق يقبل من أي جهة جاء It is said: ‎ لا تنظر إلى من قال وانظر إلى ما قال ‘Don’t look at WHO is saying it, look at WHAT is being said.’ 1- Ibn Taymiyyah said: ‎واللهُ قد أمرنا ألا نقول ...