Day: February 28, 2022

It is said: ‎الزواج مثل القلعة المحاصرة ‎الذين بالداخل يودون الخروج ‎و الذين بالخارج يريدون الدخول ‘Marriage is like a besieged castle: those inside want to get out, those outside want to get in.’ ...

It is said that Socrates once had an argument with his wife Xanthippe. She was furious and started shouting! Then she poured a pot of water on his head! Socrates said: “Rain after thunder…” ‏الفيلسوف سقراط صرخت علیه زوجته، ثم رشت عليه الماء الذي كان...

Ibn Manzur had a habit that every time he saw a long book, he used to write a shortened [abridged - مختصر] version of it, to make it easily accessible to people. Once his son saw a very tall man on the street, and he said: 'If my dad sees you, he wi...