Day: March 13, 2022

Ancient books are full of stories about stingy people [البخلاء], but there are also some modern examples: Hetty Green [1834-1916] This was a wealthy American business-woman who went down as one of the world's stingiest women in history. The Guinnes...

It is said: تحت الورد شوك أم فوق الشوك ورد We can either be happy that thorns have roses... Or we can be sad that roses have thorns... #Perspective...

Don’t get angry at your children when they break utensils, because it is said that these lifeless objects also have an expiry date [ajal], like living beings [‎لا تضربوا إماءكم على إنائكم فإن لها أجلا كآجال الناس]. And by the way, the wise elders sa...