Day: March 14, 2022

Letting go of the past …… I’ve noticed that, often when people leave an ideology, they become totally obsessed with it … like a person who cannot move on from their ex-husband or ex-wife. This happens with ex-Sufis, ex-Salafis, ex-Shia, ex-Hanafis ...

To all the mini-influencers on social media: ‎قليل الكلام ‎كثير الاحترام ‘Little speech [kalaam] Lots of respect [ihtiraam].’ Don’t overdo it…sometimes less is more … I want you all to do well, so here’s the golde...

Don’t Fear Social Media Warriors: Barking dogs don’t bite, biting dogs don’t bark… The Persians say: مرغی که نچیر (گوشت) میخوره نوکش کجه ... 'Birds who [hunt] eat meat have curved beaks.' The hunters are known… so don’t be afraid w...