Category: Adult
Fake Shaykh’s
A poet wrote the following poem: خاطره! تا خو ويل چې شېخ يمه زه! په کټ کې مات بنګړي د چا پراته دي؟! "O Khatir! You claimed to be a Shaykh! So, whose broken bracelets are lying on the bed?" - Khatir Afridi...
View DetailsOppressed Oppressor
A man and his wife were disputing a case in front of a judge. She was bad looking, but her face was covered, and she had an attractive voice, so the judge ruled in her favour, against the husband. Her husband removed her face covering, when the jud...
View DetailsBeautiful
A woman named Jamilah ‘جميلة’ (beautiful), the daughter of Abdur-Rahman, had a court hearing. The guard said to the judge: “There is a lady at the door, she wants to come inside...” The judge said: “If she is...
View DetailsNight & Day
Raghib al-Isfahani narrates a Sudanese story: رأى رجل زنجياً يفجر برومية فقال: يولج الليل في النهار A dark-skinned man was with a light-skinned Roman woman, so someone said: "The night enters the day." ["Muhadarat al-Udaba", p. 29...
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Ibn Asaakir narrates: قالت جارية سكينة لسكينة بالباب رجل يقول لي حاجة قالت ما حاجته فذهبت ثم عادت قالت يقول لي حاجة حتى فعلت ذلك مرة أو مرتين أو أكثر قالت فلعلها حاجة الديك إلى الدجاجة A maid said to the lady owner of the house: "There is a...
View DetailsIntelligence & Beauty
When intelligence and beauty combines ... حسناء و ذكية Ibn al-Jawzi mentions: قال أبو نواس استقبلتني امرأة فأسفرت عن وجهها فكانت على غاية الحسن فقالت ما اسمك قلت وجهك فقالت أنت الحسن إذن. Abu Nuwas was greeted by a woman. ...
View DetailsFriday Nights
It is said: في ليلة الجمعة لو سقطت السماء لرفعتها اقدام النساء 'If on Friday night, the sky were to fall on earth, women's feet would hold it up.' A group of scholars from the Salaf believed that on Friday night it...
View DetailsPraise
It has been reported: قال سليمان بن عبد الملك لعمر بن أبي ربيعة ما يمنعك من مدحنا قال إني لا أمدح الرجال إنما أمدح النساء The Umayyad caliph, Sulaiman bin Abdul-Malik asked the poet Omar bin Abi Rabia: "What stops you from praising me?"...
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Wrong Priorities: A man was committing adultery with a woman, but he did not look at her face, while he was involved in the act. The woman asked: "Why don't you look at me?" The man said: "It is sinful to lo...
View DetailsSweet Apples
A young man asked a wise man: why do good looking women always end up getting married to ugly men? The wise man replied: سیب شیرین همیشه کرم میخوره “Sweet apples always tend to get eaten by w...
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