Category: History

"A dog may be man's best friend, but the horse wrote history."...

Imam Al-Sakhawi said: عن السخاوي أنه قال: من ورخ مؤمناً فكأنما أحياه “Whoever biographs a believer, it is as though he has brought him back to life.” [“Mujalat Al-Jami’ Al-Islamiyah”, 8/191]. ---------------------...

Don't be stuck in Time - أحمد بن حنبل A man asked Imam Ahmad about the conflict that happened between Ali and Mu'awiyah. He turned away from him. Then he turned his face back to him and said: "Recite [the Qur'anic verse]: "That nation has passed aw...

"This House has a Lord" - وإن للبيت ربا When King Abraha entered Makkah with his army of Elephants, to destroy the Ka'bah, he took some camels that belonged to Abdul-Mutalib - who was the guardian of the Ka'bah and the grandfather of our Prophet. A...