Category: Knowledge & Ignorance

There was a great linguist by the name of Imam Abu Ja'far al-Nuhas, who lived more than 1000 years ago. He has written many beneficial books on Arabic grammar. ...

Approach knowledge with humility… The scholars say: ‎المتواضع في طُلاب العلم أكثرهم علمًا، ‎كما أن المكان المنخفض أكثرُ...

A child may know something that elders don’t: The proverb says: قد يوجد في النهر ما لا يوجد في البحر ...

‘He who opens a school, closes a prison.’ ‎‏هر ښوونځی مو چې پرانېست؛ ‎د زندان يو ور مو وتاړه - Victor Hugo...

It is mentioned in ancient books: الناس أعداء ما جهلوا "People are enemies of what they don’t know." 99% of the intra-Sunni conflict that exists is due to ignorance of one group about the other group… if they sit d...

Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi said: رأيت الاشتغال بالفقه وسماع الحديث لا يكاد يكفي في صلاح القلب؛ إلا أن يمزج بالرقائق، والنظر في سير السلف الصالحين. فأما مجرد العلم بالحلال والحرام، فليس له كبير عمل في رقة القلب “I realised that going deep into jurispr...

The great Imam Ibn Rushd - ابن رشد - once gave a speech wearing normal dress, but nobody paid any attention to him. They all ignored him. Someone who knew him told him to wear a robe, so he did - and a crowd gathered to list...

One day, a man with beautiful dress stood before Socrates, bragging about his appearance. Socrates being unimpressed by appearances, tells him: تكلم حتى أراك “Speak, so I can see you.” Nowadays most people don't care what is IN som...

Not all knowledge is useful... علم لا ينفع Don't waste your time acquiring useless knowledge, thinking all knowledge is useful. The scholars say about some knowledge: هذا علم لا ينفع وجهالة لا تضر "Knowing this doesn't benefit, ...

It was said: لا شئ اسوء من خيانة القلم فالرصاص الغادر قد يقتل أفرادآ بينما القلم الخائن قد يقتل أممآ "There is nothing worse than treason by means of the pen. Treacherous bullets may kill individuals, while...