Category: Friends & Enemies

The benefits of accompanying good people - صحبة الأخيار In the story of the 'People of the Cave' [أصحاب الكهف], their dog was also sleeping next to them: ...

‘In the company of scholars he will turn into gold, even if he was a stone or a pebble in the desert.’ په صحبت د عالمانو به سره زر شي ‏که وي کاڼي او یا لوټې د صحرا - Abdul-Rahman-Baba...

‘One loyal friend equals ten thousand relatives.’ الصديق الصادق يساوي عشرة آلاف من الأقارب. - Euripides...

Do not allow external people to create rifts within your family... your strength lies in unity. It is said: قوة السلسلة تقاس بقوة اضعف حلقاتها 'A chain is as strong as its weakest link.' It means that no matter how strong all the i...

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” ‏في النهاية لن نذكر كلمات أعدائنا بل صمت أصدقائنا ! - Martin Luther King...

A story about true friends - طرائف الحكماء A man prepared a big meal and told his brother to invite all friends and relatives. His brother went outside and called out: “O people, help, my brother’s house is on fire!!!” Many people ignored him, some ...

It is said: النار تنیر لنا من بعد ولكنھا تحرقنا عن قرب "The fire which lights us at a distance, will burn us when near." If you get too close to certain people, you may get hurt... sometimes it’s best to keep your ...

About fake friends… ‎مرد دوستی نیستی دشمن مردانه باش ‎این دو رنگی تا به کی ‎یا دوست یا بیگانه باش “If you cannot be a genuine friend - at least be a genuine enemy! This multi-faced behaviour - until when?...

The poet says: ألَمْ تَرَ أنَّ السَّيْفَ يَنقصُ قدْرُهُ إذا قيل إنَّ السيفَ أمضى من العصا "Do you not see that it is degrading for the sword, when you say: “the sword is sharper than a stick?" This poem is usually ...

There is this proverb in the Middle East: ضرب الحبيب مثل أكل الزبيب "Getting a beating from a HABEEB (loved-one), is like eating ZABEEB (sweet raisins)."...