Day: February 8, 2021

A man wanted to debate a grammarian. He knocked on his door, his maid opened the door. He asked the maid: "Where is your master?" She said: فاءَ إلى الفيافي ليفيئ لنا فيئاً حتى إذا فاء الفيئُ , فاء "He went (faa’a),...

A man wanted to make fun of Abu Nuwas. The man said: "Glad tidings! The Caliph has has appointed you in an official position!" Abu Nuwas asked: "What position?" The man said: "He has appointe...

Someone once visited an old wise man who was sick. He prolonged his stay. He said to the wise man: "Advise me." The wise man said: "When you visit a sick person, don't prolong your stay." ذهب أحد الثقلاء إلى شيخ (عالم) مريض , وجلس عنده مدة طويلة ثم ...